So here we are, my dear friend Darcy Eikenberg ( and me, in front of the lovely dolphin-encrusted (not real dolphins) fountain in the lavish lobby of the Dolphin Hotel in Walt Disney World in Orlando, attending our first Romance Writers of America national conference. Those orange rectangles on our name badges are not indicative of our great love for the Dutch, but rather our “First Timer” ribbons. If we ever looked lost or confused, someone would come up to us and ask if they could help. It was very nice. I’m thinking of getting a “First Timer” ribbon every year.
This fountain was a terrific meeting spot, and I can’t tell you how many fantabulous conversations we had with other writers in the vicinity of the dolphins. In the evenings I had to prevent myself from “accidentally” knocking over the singer at the piano and grabbing the mic, but as Darcy will tell you, I refrained from belting out some Gershwin.
My brain is overflowing with newfound tips on the craft of writing, how to market myself as an author, the names of new friends I made over the past few days, and—notably—details from bestselling author Linda Howard’s workshop on the documented stages of sexual attraction. I was gratified to know that so far, my characters are behaving as they ought.