So this is all about me (yeah, like all my other blog posts AREN’T), but this is also an announcement. A big announcement.
I got a book contract.
This happened a while ago (the very end of November), but I was waiting until I got the contract in my hot little hands from the publisher before I announced. However, I’ve learned (again!) that publishing runs at a pace that makes tectonic plate shifts seem supersonic. Here’s the deal: My Golden Heart finaling book, Thrown, will be published as an e-book by Simon & Schuster’s Pocket Star line in December, 2013.
Yes I am ecstatic. Yes I pinch myself to make sure it’s not all a dream. Yes I float through my days.
But wait, there’s more. Not only is the deal for Thrown, but for two more books set in the same world as Thrown. So it’s a three-book deal. A THREE-BOOK DEAL WITH A MAJOR BIG-SIX PUBLISHER. Am I over the moon? Yes. Yes I am.
This started at the Romance Writers of America’s national conference in Anaheim in July. I met my now-editor there, but NOT because she was in any way interested in my book, but because I went to two workshops where she was on the panel, and she was hilarious. I spoke to her, and then found out when I was back in Denver, that I was following her on Twitter. I looked at her profile, and lo and behold, she was a HORSEWOMAN! Obviously I had to tweet her immediately and tell her my book was about horses. She said she’d love to see it, and I sent it to her when I was done revising, in October. And the rest, as they say, is history. So basically, I sold my book on Twitter. And yes Abby and I talked about horses for twenty minutes during our first phone call.
I also got an agent. The delightful Emily Sylvan Kim of Prospect Literary. I was quite spoiled, as I got to choose from several agents after I told those who I’d queried that I had a book contract. (From a Big Six publisher. Did I mention that?) I still managed to make it incredibly stressful. But I have to say, it’s really really fun to talk about “my agent” and “my editor.” Like, really fun.
So that’s my news. Thank you for your support and good wishes through my novel-writing odyssey. It has paid off in spades and my dream is coming true.